Embarking on a fitness journey can be both rewarding and challenging. Looking back on my experience in the fitness industry, as a personal trainer, group exercise instructor and online coach, I wish I had known these ten nutrition and fitness secrets a decade ago. These insights would have saved me time, helped me make better choices, and improved my overall well-being.
Don’t Drink Your Calories:
Avoid obtaining calories from fruit juices, sodas, energy drinks, or coffee and tea with added sugar and milk. Opt for water, diet soda, plain coffee, or tea instead. Liquid calories are often empty and lack nutritional value, hindering your progress towards a healthier body.
Eliminate or Drastically Reduce Alcohol Consumption: While society may normalize alcohol consumption, it offers no real benefits. Alcohol can hinder muscle building by decreasing protein synthesis and negatively impact your sleep, cognition, and athletic performance. Cutting down on alcohol can greatly enhance your fitness journey, especially as you age. I personally find that the older I get the harder it is to recover from a night of drinking.
Prioritize Proper Sleep:
A good night’s rest is an essential performance enhancer. Whether your goal is building muscle, losing body fat, or improving mental cognition, quality sleep is crucial. Establish a bedtime routine by avoiding liquids and food a few hours before sleep, minimizing exposure to blue light, and considering helpful sleep aids like magnesium bisglycinate and essential oils. I’ve personally started taping my mouth which forces you to breathe through your nose breathing while sleeping as opposed to mouth breathing. This has been a game changer for me. That is a topic which deserves it;s own post.

Maintain a Training and Food Log:
Keep track of your training progress and personal bests with a training log, whether through a notepad or specialized apps. Additionally, maintain a food log using tools like MyFitnessPal to monitor your nutrition. Tracking these aspects helps identify patterns and enhances your overall progress. Personally, I prefer to track my workouts on a good old physical notepad and a pen but, I’m 45.
Follow the 80/20 Rule for Nutrition:
Strive to obtain 80% of your food intake from nutrient-dense whole foods, while allowing the remaining 20% for indulgences or occasional eating out. This approach balances discipline with flexibility, making it easier to maintain a sustainable and enjoyable eating plan. Striving for perfection in any diet plan is a recipe for failure. The best diet for you is the one that’s the easiest to follow.
Consume Sufficient Protein:
Aim to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily. Protein is satiating, making it easier to control your carbohydrate and fat intake. Prioritize lean sources of protein for muscle growth and repair. Also, don’t get caught up in minutia, so if you get less than 1 gram, that’s absolutely fine.
Recognize the Importance of a Balanced Diet:
Despite intense training, a poor diet will hinder your progress. You cannot out-train an unhealthy diet. Be mindful of your caloric intake, making sure it aligns with your fitness goals. This is the one thing which I personally struggled with the most and is the reason why I only got lean well into my 40’s.
Opt for Walking as Cardio:
Walking is an underrated form of cardio that supports muscle growth and recovery while being gentle on your joints. Make it a habit to walk daily to improve insulin sensitivity and overall well-being. As opposed to jogging or cycling,walking can be done on a daily basis without cutting massively into your recovery.
Embrace Resistance Training and Progressive Overload:
Incorporate resistance training with heavy weights, focusing on increasing reps, sets, and training intensity regularly. Progressive overload is essential for continuous muscle growth and strength development. Resistance training is the foundation of your self development as a man. Having a strong and muscular body builds confidence, teaches you discipline and delayed gratification which are all important traits in becoming successful.
Be Critical of Fitness Influencers:
While fitness influencers can offer valuable insights, remember they might also be promoting products or sensationalizing information. Evaluate their advice carefully, taking what aligns with your goals and leaving behind anything that seems unreliable or exaggerated.
Reflecting on my journey in the fitness industry, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of these ten nutrition and fitness secrets. Implementing these strategies early on would have accelerated my progress and improved my overall well-being. Embrace these principles and witness the positive impact they can have on your own fitness journey.
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